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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The tumbleweed cabal et al gubmet reminds me of a VERY FAMOUS scene in a VERY POPULAR MOVIE. You too?

The tumbleweed cabal et al gubmet reminds me of a VERY FAMOUS scene in a VERY POPULAR MOVIE. You too?

Remember the BAR SCENE in Star Wars where all the weird creatures from all the various worlds gathered together to get drunk as skunks?

A Norman Rockwell cover it wasn't.


Do you not see the similarity of what we have now as our tumbleweed cabal et al "gubment" and what was created in fantasy once upon a time long long long ago in a universe that was far far far far away?

Posted - October 20, 2019


  • 46117
    It reminds me of a REMAKE OF WATERGATE but on STEROIDS.  

    They tried to get away with it in the 60's-70's and they just pushed the envelope and got braver and bolder and stronger.

    Now we have to take a STAND as they GO TAKE THE STAND and go to JAIL hopefully just like WATERGATE.  GOOD BYE, TRUMP and GOOD BY RUDY And GOOD BYE BARR.  PLEASE GOD MAKE IT SO.

    I'll even sacrifice a steven miller tor the favor.
      October 20, 2019 7:14 AM MDT