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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You know those RUSSIAN dolls that stack neatly inside one another from little to big? Will ya try ta picture this if ya can?

You know those RUSSIAN dolls that stack neatly inside one another from little to big? Will ya try ta picture this if ya can?

The Putin has a lapdogpuppet on his lap(tumbleweed).
The Putin lapdogpuppet has a lapdogpuppet on HIS lap(liddlebillybarr).
The Putin lapdogpuppet with the lapdogpuppet has a lapdogpuppet on HIS lap(mikepompousa**)
The Putin lapdogpuppet with the lapdoggpuppet with the lapdogpuppet with the lapdogpuppet(rudyg) has two lapdogpuppets...the two Ukrainians one of whom paid rudyg $500,000 large.

And so on and so on and so on.

Very clever how they fit inside one another so easily on and on and on ad infinitum

Now you get a prize if you can guess the total number of lapdogpuppets there are in the world of tumbleweed. The prize is a surprise.

Posted - October 20, 2019


  • 1441
    nice 'analogy'... 
      October 20, 2019 1:43 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for the atta girl franc. I appreciate it. Happy Monday to you too! :)
      October 21, 2019 3:09 AM MDT