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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Do you think Mark Zuck....has any responsibility to keep foreign hackers who spread lies to help a candidate OFF FB?

Do you think Mark Zuck....has any responsibility to keep foreign hackers who spread lies to help a candidate OFF FB?

Or are all liars welcome to spread filth and dung and poop wherever they can get away with it for those who delight in embracing and dining on and forwarding to others  filth dung and poop? Different strokes?

Posted - October 21, 2019


  • 35005
    No. It is not FB or any other social media to censor based on opinion. 
      October 21, 2019 9:22 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Hmm.  Should those who spread lies to help a candidate be kept off AM? 
      October 21, 2019 9:25 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Himself personally ... no.

    I'm not sure how national laws are enforced for international websites.
    Well - other than completely blocking those sites, or having special configurations for a nation.  (EG: China)

    It would be nice to have "truth in advertising" apply to politics - but we purposefully leave a HUGE loophole for that in US law.

    Do we ask newspapers to ensure the "letters to the editor" are actual people, not working as political agents for a foreign power?
    Not to my knowledge.  
    In fact, not all papers even ask for proof of residency within their distribution area.

    For the most part - people are only going to believe what "their side" says, when they read what is on social media.
    It doesn't matter if it's the truth or lies.  As long as it validates their point of view.
      October 21, 2019 11:16 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I agree with you Walt. Now Mark Z sez he removes DAILY all sites that he knows are fake and are set up there to spread lies. It consists of foreigners (Russian and others) who PRETEND to be Americans who spread lies as if they are manure to help the stature of their intended winner. GUESS WHO THAT IS? He sez they do it on both ends.The phonies will have set up fake accounts to attack/support the same candidate they want to lie about on the Dem side so that voters will be thoroughly confused. They also set up fake foreign accounts pretending to be fellow Americans that do nothing but praise tumbleweed and spread fake stories about him as if he is the answer to all prayers and his record is spotless and his intentions are honorable. There are bazillions of these fakes and they are targeting the gullibles who will believe anything that supports their point of view as you have also mentioned. Preferably very big lies. They are very fond of that. Also conspiracies that are flatout phony baloney. It happened in 2016 and it is happening NOW for 2020. The gullibles are multiplying and spreading the manure real thick.

    But to your point about letters to editors you're right. They aren't equipped to vet. They just publish the ones that are coherent I guess. It's a MASSIVE undertaking worldwide and the vehicle for the lies is  internet social sites where the gullibles congregate to get the latest "dirt" on the folks they hate and promulgate the latest lies about the folks they want to take out. What can we do? I dunno. How do you tell a fake from real through a screen on a monitor? Thank you for your reply Walt.
      October 22, 2019 2:41 AM MDT