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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Motormouth is still going at top speed. After the HUMILIATION of the last few weeks he is still engaged in BRAGGADOCIO! Can you believe it?

Motormouth is still going at top speed. After the HUMILIATION of the last few weeks he is still engaged in BRAGGADOCIO! Can you believe it?

He shouldda been a MAILMAN.

Nothing stops him from his appointed rounds of conceit hubris self-worship.

Not rain or snow or tornadoes or fires or earthquakes or floods or avalanches or lightning strikes or volcanoes will keep him from his prime directive of blowing all his hot air into the baby blimp all the time about everything among which will certainly be his greatness his wondrousness his awesomeness his genius his knowledge his temperament! You name it. He brags about it. Motormouth will probably still be doing that on his deathbed. Extolling his virtues and his singularity as having been the greatest human ever born! I'd sure like to see him facing GOD with that line. No repentance no sorrow no shame no apologies no mea culpa no regret. Why would he? He is perfect you know. GOD should too.

Posted - October 22, 2019
