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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Putin ORDERS motormouth to jump. He jumps. Erdogan ORDERS motormouth to jump. He jumps. When Kim orders it trump will jump! HERO?

Putin ORDERS motormouth to jump. He jumps. Erdogan ORDERS motormouth to jump. He jumps. When Kim orders it trump will jump! HERO?

Saudi Arabia ordered motormouoth to jump. He jumped. Into supporting war with Qatar at the behest of the Saudis and supporting the war with Yemen because the Saudis ORDER it. And lying about the Saudi Crown Prince and his ordering the butchering beheading dismembering of a journalist. The motormouth is very good at following orders. Docile obedient eager to please.

What does motormouth order that doesn't cause more disaster? He is a REACTOR ACTOR not a PROACTIVE Actor. Those who love him don't mind that he is a weak sister. I don't know why but we'll there ya go. It takes all kinds.

Posted - October 22, 2019
