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Are there a lot of fake boobs and lips in Silicone Valley?

Posted - October 22, 2019


  • 10026
    I am Sure there are.  In my book, anyway!! I am CRACKING UP!!!   I am so glad you asked this question. :) :) 
    This valley could and does imply different things to different people.  Depending on where your brain is in reference to California and what comes out of California, you could be easily confused.  
    Living in California does not give you the benefit.  Many who live here still get it confused.
    I've been told it's all in the pronunciation of the valley.  I did not know this when I first heard about Silicone Valley and further concluded that it was the Headquarters all of the fake boobs and lips California was so notorious for. 
    The worst part of this very revealing story of mine is that nobody corrected me.  Don got such a kick out of it, he let me continue on my blundering for years. 
    The same with strip malls!  When we first started dating, he would sometimes go to 7-ll.  You know the one... in the strip mall. For about 3 trips to 7-11, I truly believed he was going to get a pack of smokes while attending a stipclub at the strip mall.  I finally told him if he was that interested, I would be happy to dance with for him.  He didn't turn down the dance but did explain the strip mall. 
    Don't be fooled.  Ask before assuming you know.  A lesson that took me more than once to learn. ;) :)

      October 22, 2019 9:57 PM MDT

  • 1441
    I just know there are a lot of companies there.  Apple, Microsoft, etc etc 
      October 23, 2019 9:51 AM MDT