Why not "lynch" lindsay graham? Invite the public to watch as he gets strung up figuratively and gets to swing in the wind until he passes out figuratively and passes away figuratively.
The motormouth said it and the sycophant echoed it and put his blessing on it.
Two old white men who are so vastly ignorant about lynching.
Billie Holiday sang a song about it. STRANGE FRUIT.
What both motormouth and the sycophant need? Listening to Billie Holiday sing that song as they WATCH old footage of bodies hanging by rope around the neck from trees. Obviously they are ignorant and need a little bit of larnin'.
All prodons who believe motormouth is being "lynched" should also be forced to watch..and listen. Any of you prodons agree with motormouth and lindsay that motormouth is being LYNCHED? Raise your hands. Speak up. Give it your best shot. I DARE YOU!