Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Per mike pompousa**'THE WORD OF THE UNITED STATES IS RSPECTED MUCH MORE TODAY THAN IT WAS 2-1/2 YEARS AGO.' So you agree with the a**? Yass?
He is SO out of his league. SO OUT OF HIS LEAGUE. He can try and brazen it out in front of his cronies in the GOP but when he has his back against the wall he looks like a deer in the headlights.
Pompeo Was Riding High—Until the Ukraine Mess Exploded
The US secretary of state may be a Trump favorite, but the Ukraine scandal appears to threaten Mike Pompeo’s ambitions for higher office.
Allegedly just like liddlebillybarr...the pompousa** usta be a CONTENDER. Then he went over to the dark side and is now engulfed completely in BLACK. Black represents evil. BLACK HEART. BLACK SHEEP. BLACKOUT (absence of light). BLACK SOUL. BLACK SABBATH (couldn't resist it). BLACK WIDOW SPIDER BLACK MAGIC
Thank you for your reply Sharon and the pompousa** as he truly is in living color. RED AND BLACK. ACK ACK ACK. A perfectjACKa** for all seasons for many reasons. I will delight in his demise..figurative though it will be.
This post was edited by RosieG at October 25, 2019 5:20 AM MDT