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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We KNOW motormouth is disdainful of the Constitution. He ignores it. So when his lawyers ASSERT it do they KNOW how foolish they are?

We KNOW motormouth is disdainful of the Constitution. He ignores it. So when his lawyers ASSERT it do they KNOW how foolish they are?

The dingabat toy lawyers say that the Impeachment Inquiry is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

Bullsh**. It is specifically AUTHORIZED.

They do not refer to the times motormouth FLOUTS it. They are simple ignorant stupid dumb third-rate toy lawyers for a toy prez. Oblivious obtuse stupid ignorant and probably very expensive. Are we the people paying for the motormouth's 3rd rate toy lawyers? Anyone know?

Posted - October 26, 2019


  • 7280
    Lawyers are paid to represent their clients.  And I suspect in the role of a Trump lawyer, they---like their client---have neither principles nor healthy shame.

    An old legal maxim says: “If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell.”

    When it comes to impeachment, Republicans have entered the “pound the table and yell like hell” phase of bargaining. In recent weeks, they’ve put the system on trial, engaged in mob-like behavior to delegitimize the process, and (in case that doesn’t work) suggested that even if Trump did something wrong, it isn’t impeachable—all things conservatives might have once found viscerally repellent.
      October 26, 2019 1:20 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Where does ETHICS come in and where/when do the various BAR ASSOCIATIONS step in and strip their members of the right to practice law?  Lawyers are OFFICERS OF THE COURT. What the heck does that mean anyway? Same thing for malpractice doctors and "cook the books" accountants? How can they be doing what they are doing and keep doing it when they are so awful at it? Cheesy sleazy is now the bar! Sheesh! I CAHN'T STEND IT! Thank you for your reply tom. What next?
      October 27, 2019 4:33 AM MDT

  • 7280
    officer of the court

    n. any person who has an obligation to promote justice and effective operation of the judicial system, including judges, the attorneys who appear in court, bailiffs, clerks and other personnel. As officers of the court lawyers have an absolute ethical duty to tell judges the truth, including avoiding dishonesty or evasion about reasons the attorney or his/her client is not appearing, the location of documents and other matters related to conduct of the courts.
      October 27, 2019 12:52 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh good golly miss molly and good grief charlie brown tom! That's kinda what I thought it might mean. But


    OMG. It reads good. Doesn't play so good in real life. SIGH. Thank you for your reply!  Appreciate it! :)

    Have a great "day" today! Best so far but not as good as futurely. This post was edited by RosieG at October 29, 2019 6:49 AM MDT
      October 28, 2019 7:46 AM MDT