I could, but it better be a nice substitute!
I might could, but it would be tough.
Yep. I've long since trained myself to be able to sleep wherever and whenever the chance presents itself. :-)
Don't touch myfavorite pillow, although I can fall asleep sitting down...LOL
I wish I could do that.
I can nod off, but I have to have my pillow when I lay down.
No you don't. I had to come by the ability the hard way--starting with a homeless mission.
I hear ya!
I was never aware of any difference between pillows until they started using various man made materials in them. Pillows made with foam rubber stank, and they would give you a headache if you spent a whole night with one. Then they discovered polyurethane and polyester and polythis and polythat and all of them seemed nice in the store but they went flat within a few weeks. I had never studied pillow before, so I just had to try different stores to see what I might find. Trouble is, every time I found a pillow that lasted a few months, the store would stop carrying that brand. So I decided to try something different. I looked at the cheap pillows at Kohl's and found one with goose feathers. Hey, that's what they used to make pillows with, back before I noticed how lousy pillows had become. Well, it was wonderful. So I went back to get several before they stopped carrying them, and they had already stopped carrying them!
Now I get my pillows at amazon.com two for twenty bux. They come with printed instructions: if they ever get flat, wash and tumble dry for about an hour to restore them. I have been sleeping on one of these for three years now. TA-DAA!
As for sleeping on another one, well, I have four spares!