Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Aid to Ukraine IS STILL BEING WITHHELD? Good old motormouth is at it again. Do we care or do we not give a rat's a** who dies/who doesn't?
Unfortunately, Ukraine chose a stance of "neutrality" in 2008 - meaning they chose not to join NATO. It wasn't until the Russian capture of Crimea and invasion of Ukraine in 2014, that the government of Ukraine again considered joining NATO. Sort of like buying mortgage insurance, after the bank has already started foreclosure.
Personally, while I sympathize with Ukraine's plight - I don't think we should sell weapons to anyone not our ally.
Does Putin have any plans for Denmark? They stand on their own too and Trump is gunning for them since they wouldn't sell him Greenland. He is gonna get even.
Thank you for your reply Walt. The motormouth has personally seen to it that we have no allies except for the despot dictators he is so attracted to. Is it a sexual attraction I wonder? What other thing is that BIG?