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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » After New Year's Eve in Times Square. After the Rose Parade in Pasadena. Lotsa trash. Who removes the trash after Motormouth exits?

After New Year's Eve in Times Square. After the Rose Parade in Pasadena. Lotsa trash. Who removes the trash after Motormouth exits?

Mountains and mountains and mountains of junk crap garbage will be left behind to clean up. Among it  may well be the bodies of the devoted admirers who  worshipped him. Hopefully not too many. Hopefully enough of them them will see the light and admit what's right before he is removed. Otherwise they will simply be part of the trash that will have to removed. To where who knows? But somewhere out there in an elsewhere for sure. We don't need that detritus to be left behind to remind us of the terrible ordeal we survived. ASSUMING of course we do survive it. Are there any odds in Vegas on that?

Posted - October 29, 2019


  • 46117
    Everything TRUMP touches DIES.


    He has not even paid for his inauguration.  The debt is 9 million.  Never paid it.  He never paid one bill for any rally ever anywhere and the CITIES ARE FORCED to endure this?  How do they not go bankrupt?   Is this even legal?

    These Chicago Architects Want to Blot Out Trump Tower With Flying Golden Pigs

    There's one for each year of a presidential term.

    Brian Boucher, December 7, 2016

    New World Design, Flying Pigs on Parade: a Chicago River Folly (2016). Courtesy New World Design.New World Design, Flying Pigs on Parade: a Chicago River Folly (2016). Courtesy New World Design.

    President-elect Donald J. Trump notoriously called comedian Rosie O’Donnell a “fat pig” in a long-running feud. He also mocked beauty show contestant Alicia Machado by dubbing her “Miss Piggy.”

    Now, a Chicago architectural firm wants to blot out the real estate developer-cum-politician’s name on that city’s Trump Tower with a series of floating golden swine.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at October 29, 2019 1:32 PM MDT
      October 29, 2019 1:26 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I love it Sharon. The motormouth is.a worthless piece of sh** and always was. What the hold on others he has/had I have no idea. But now truth is winning. Some people are finally talking. The breadth and width and depth and height of his corruption is breathtakingly evil. More to come. The stupid dumbs are hanging in and hanging on. They are clearly bereft of the ability to see what is happening around them. They will deserve everything they get for having supported a treasonous traitor whose every more was to benefit himself or THE ENEMY. A pox on all their houses. May they roast in he** for eternity. Metaphorically. Figuratively. Rhetorically I kinda think GOD will see to it. Thank you for your reply! :) This post was edited by RosieG at October 29, 2019 4:49 PM MDT
      October 29, 2019 1:36 PM MDT

  • 46117
    So glad you saw this!!!
      October 29, 2019 4:50 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Like motormouth sez IT IS PERFECT! Only he wasn't talking about this. He was as usual talking about himself and what he regurgitates. Thanks for posting it. A picture is worth a thousand words fer shure. :)
      October 30, 2019 2:20 AM MDT

  • 6023
    Well, ya threw me for a loop.
    I thought the Rose Parade was in Portland, OR.
    But nope - even though locals call it that, it's officially the Grand Floral Parade (one of 3 parades during the Rose Festival which runs 2-3 weeks).
    Of course, being Portland and Oregon, clean-up is part of the parade!  lol

    Personally, I figure this administration is like when someone drops a large rock in a body of water.
    You get big waves at first ... but as time passes, they recede in size.

    Of course, I also predicted for decades we were heading towards an administration like this.
    And if we don't change our political outlooks as a nation, we will get more and more such administrations.

      October 29, 2019 1:46 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You're joking right Walt? Every year on New Year's Day TV screens are flooded with coverage of the PASADENA CALIFORNIA ROSE PARADE. You cannot escape knowing about it unless you live in a cave. You don't do you? Moving along you predicted this kind of administration? In a bazillion years if my IQ were 200 I could never have predicted such scum evil filth dirt corruption treason traitoring on American soil by the so-called "prez" who was installed through foreign meddling and fake postings on the internet to confuse the gullible or draw them in. Not in a bajillion years. Hats off to ya. So how do you propose we "change our political outlooks" Walt? To me it is a matter of lack of integrity morality honor. That is not something we can change is it? SIGH.  I gotta ask. Thank you for your reply.
      October 30, 2019 2:14 AM MDT

  • 6023
    I watch very little "regular" TV ... mostly channels that don't have sports, news, or events like parades interrupting regular programming.
    So the only time I hear "Rose Parade" talk from coworkers is during the Portland Rose Festival.

    Yep, I predicted it.
    Hitler came to power in Germany by being charismatic and playing groups off each other, remember.
    The Democrats and Republicans have been doing the same thing for generations, and the rhetoric has been increasingly divisive.
    So it was only a matter of time until something similar happened in America.
    If the political parties insist on continuing this course, it will get worse.
      October 30, 2019 7:19 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh. Okey dokey kiddo. I believe you. Of course being a CALIFORNIAN it's hard for me to think it could happen to a sharp guy like you! But I don't know a lotta stuff you know that you might think I should.

    So what does your predictive ability tell you about how this is all going to end? I have a very active imagination as you well know but nothing could have ever caused me to think that a trump would be elected president and then do what he has done to our country our standards our laws our morals our protocols our precedents and our CONSTITUTION. Nothing. That millions adore him? Unfriggin'believable!
      October 30, 2019 10:42 AM MDT

  • 6023
    There's an American saying that politics is like a pendulum. 
    Meaning that it will never stay too far to one side or the other, it will always swing back.

    Have you ever seen a pendulum?  I saw the one at the Smithsonian.  It moves slowly along it's path.
    I think modern American politics is like somebody stepped up and gave the pendulum a push - like a parent behind a kid swinging.
    You ever seen what happens when a swing gets going too fast, and then starts to twist?
    While it is fun at first, if you don't get control pretty quickly, it gets out of hand and results in a painful lesson to the rider.

    That is the point we are at, now.
    Trump is the lesson on what happens when we (The People) go along with the divisiveness espoused by the "Big Two", and choose political parties over everything else.
    If we (The People) don't learn the lesson, and insist on increasing those divides in our society - we are heading for not just more leaders like Trump, but a shooting civil war.
      October 30, 2019 11:10 AM MDT

  • 13277
    In the Times Square area, it's the NYC Department of Sanitation. It's been that way since long before this president and it will remain that way after he's gone.
      October 29, 2019 4:03 PM MDT