Mountains and mountains and mountains of junk crap garbage will be left behind to clean up. Among it may well be the bodies of the devoted admirers who worshipped him. Hopefully not too many. Hopefully enough of them them will see the light and admit what's right before he is removed. Otherwise they will simply be part of the trash that will have to removed. To where who knows? But somewhere out there in an elsewhere for sure. We don't need that detritus to be left behind to remind us of the terrible ordeal we survived. ASSUMING of course we do survive it. Are there any odds in Vegas on that?
There's one for each year of a presidential term.
Brian Boucher, December 7, 2016
President-elect Donald J. Trump notoriously called comedian Rosie O’Donnell a “fat pig” in a long-running feud. He also mocked beauty show contestant Alicia Machado by dubbing her “Miss Piggy.”
Now, a Chicago architectural firm wants to blot out the real estate developer-cum-politician’s name on that city’s Trump Tower with a series of floating golden swine.