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Did you hear laura ingrump threaten republicans who don't defend motormouth? She is sumpin' else ain't she though? WHAT doi you call it?

Posted - October 31, 2019


  • 35003
    Laura Ingraham is great. Yes, Rep need to grow a spine and tell the Dems what they can do with their partisan impeachment. This post was edited by my2cents at October 31, 2019 7:59 AM MDT
      October 31, 2019 6:49 AM MDT

  • 46117

    I call it getting suspended again.  

    GET LOST LAURA.  YOU STINK SO BAD IT's A WOndER even FOX keeps you on.  You offer nothing but derision on topics that make you look like such a fool people on other networks talk about what a DUMBASS you are.  

    YOU KNOW?  NO.  YOU DO NOT KNOW. YOU ARE AN ENTITLED MORON who looks like a woman in a man's body.  No offense to Trans-genders either.  I mean this thing wants to be a MAN in the worst way, but not sexually. She wants POWER and she has no idea how to make herself important.  She just found the one vehicle that will make her heard. FOX joke news. No one even calls her a reporter.  She has an OPINION.  

    Since when does an entitled moron with no TALENT for NEWS REPORTING get to report anything at all?  Not since they let Megan McCain on  THE VIEW is there a more entitled useless Republican shouting to anyone who will listen, what they THINK.  WHO CARES.  Laura and Megan are both bimbos.  At least McCain can feed off her dad's memory and pretend she had something to do with it.  

    What does Ingram offer?  STUPID comments aimed at TRUMP's ADMIRATION.  And My 2 Cents, I imagine.  I won't even bother reading what she said. I am sure it is high praise for Laura.  

    Fox News Host Laura Ingraham Shows Wrong Rapper While Joking About Nipsey Hussle Memorial

    April 14, 2019 3:51pm
    Laura Ingraham jokes about Nipsey Hussle Memorial on Friday, April 12, 2019. (Credit: Fox News)
    Fox News

    Fox News host Laura Ingraham found humor in Thursday’s memorial service for slain rapper Nipsey Hussle. Adding to insult, she showed the wrong Southern California rapper while taking swipes at Hussle.

    On Friday’s episode of The Ingraham Angle, the right-wing commentator recounted details about Hussle’s memorial service, and dissected an anti-Trump song on which he was featured.

    “Yesterday in L.A., thousands lined the streets to say goodbye to rapper Nipsey Hussle,” Ingraham said with a grin. “Now this dear artist recently released a song called ‘FDT’ – F Donald Trump.”

    Here's Laura Ingraham mocking a murder victim, just hours after he was laid to rest, because he opposed Trump 3 years ago. (Also, the man rapping in that video is YG, a person who is not Nipsey Hussle.) For

    — Angela Morabito (@AngelaLMorabito) April 13, 2019


    Hussle is featured on the track, but it was released on Compton rapper YG’s 2016 album Still Brazy. Ingraham played a clip from the music video, though it showed YG, not Hussle.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at October 31, 2019 8:35 AM MDT
      October 31, 2019 8:31 AM MDT

  • 35003
    They keep her because of the ratings she brings in....#3 in cable news behind Hannity and Tucker. 
      October 31, 2019 8:47 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Yes. The National Enquirer is the most widely-read newspaper in America. That does not make it valid.  

    It makes AMERICA look like the losers that they are.  That is all.  The people that follow this yellowed journalism are the people who read FAKE NEWS.  So, naturally TRUMP has to lie and spin and his base thinks this makes him powerful.  HE is A POWERFUL LIAR. And he fools the naive and clueless to anything real out there.  FOX and Laura are NOT the news. It is like Good Morning America.  A show dedicated to NOTHING of SUBSTANCE for people who are nothing of substance and don't want to think.
      October 31, 2019 9:12 AM MDT

  • 35003
    I have never bought a copy of the Inquirer in my life or any other of that junk. 
    Laura is much better than GMA...that crap bores me to death. So does Fox and Friends...they try to mimic GMA. BLAH. 
      October 31, 2019 9:20 AM MDT

  • 46117

      October 31, 2019 9:21 AM MDT

  • 35003
    I do not care how it is trash. 

    Laura is nothing like it. But she crushes the rating of anything on MSNBC.
      October 31, 2019 9:26 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Why is it trash?  Because Peker admitted he hid stories for Trump?

    Laura Ingram is exactly like the Enquirer. That is why she is in bed with Trump and all things Trump.  Trump does something bad and tells Ingram how to spin it.  Just like he did the Enquirer.  She is nuts and STUPID.   AGAIN, I mention the Enquirer becuase that is the same mentality as the ones who watch LAURA.  SAME MENTALITY.    

    I want THIS to be true and LAURA agrees, so if I watch her and shut the world out, I am safe. SAFE WITH LAURA AND JEANNINE.
    You are quite the political scholar. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at October 31, 2019 10:04 AM MDT
      October 31, 2019 9:30 AM MDT

  • 46117
    I think if I can like you and talk to YOU?  I can understand Kelly Ann Conway's marriage a little better.



    Ingraham may have erred terribly in assailing a Parkland survivor, but she has the support of the man in charge of Fox News. ‘’Rupert has been annoyed by what he perceives as cowardly behavior by his executives,’’ says one person close to the mogul.

    APRIL 5, 2018
    You Dont Attack a Kid Inside the Laura Ingraham Nightmare at Fox News

    When Fox News hired Laura Ingraham last September to join its prime-time lineup, executives knew she was a potential management headache. As a guest host in the past, Ingraham was well known for being volatile with producers. Her on-set blowups were so legendary that staffers in the newsroom would sometimes turn on the monitors and watch the unfolding drama on mute for fun. Efforts by management to rein her in were largely unsuccessful. “No one tells Laura what to do,” one Fox executive told me.

    Last week, Ingraham’s volatility became not just a newsroom issue, but something of a crisis for the network. Ingraham’s tweet ridiculing Parkland survivor-turned-gun-control-advocate David Hogg about his college admissions ignited an uproar. Hogg responded by calling on advertisers to boycott Ingraham’s show. By Friday, about a dozen companies had yanked commercials despite Ingraham issuing an apology, a step she took on her own.

    Inside Fox, senior executives were exasperated, sources said. “You don’t attack a kid,” one told me. “It was an unforced error.” Not surprisingly, the network’s advertising department was in an uproar. “People are pulling their hair out,” one insider told me. But there was debate about how to respond. It wasn’t the first time Ingraham’s rhetoric had caused problems. In February, Ingraham told LeBron James that he should “shut up and dribble” after James was quoted by ESPN criticizing Donald Trump. Ingraham’s comments about James made executives apoplectic, sources said. They hoped that the Hogg controversy, while annoying, wasn’t at the same level. If they stayed quiet it might blow over. Ingraham is off the air this week on a vacation the network insists was pre-planned. But her absence has failed to stanch the advertiser exodus. As of yesterday, 16 brands had publicly bailed; an insider said the number is higher. And in the media, speculation ramped up that Ingraham might not return to Fox.


    Rupert Murdoch continues to recover at his Bel Air estate from a back injury suffered on his son Lachlan’s yacht in January, but he had strong views on how Fox should respond to the controversy. Sources said the 87-year-old mogul wanted Fox to more forcefully defend Ingraham against the boycott. “They needed to show the haters wouldn’t get a scalp,” one Fox staffer said. According to an insider, on Saturday, Murdoch emailed Fox News co-president Jack Abernethy and instructed him to support Ingraham. On Monday night, the network released a statement with Abernethy’s name attached. “We cannot and will not allow voices to be censored by agenda-driven intimidation efforts . . . We look forward to having Laura Ingraham back hosting her program next Monday when she returns from spring vacation with her children,” it read. (A person close to Murdoch said he was not involved in drafting the statement.)


      October 31, 2019 10:06 AM MDT