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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Here's a SHOCKER! I'd LOVE to be able to compliment motormouth for the things he has done that are right good positive. Can you name one?

Here's a SHOCKER! I'd LOVE to be able to compliment motormouth for the things he has done that are right good positive. Can you name one?

His record is stellar of doing everything he can to attack insult sabotage undermine vilify excoriate everyone he envies and fears. That's A LOT OF PEOPLE!

The list of his awfuls is too lengthy to replicate here.

His list of "goods"? Anyone. I don't mean good for the extreme right-wing nationalist  populist racist billionaire I mean good for WE THE PEOPLE no matter the color or gender Or ethnicity! ONE THING that benefits all of us equally! I DARE YOU.

Posted - November 1, 2019
