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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Back in the day Walter Cronkite was the most trusted journalist in America. Just heard someone say Sean Hannity is today's! IZZY?

Back in the day Walter Cronkite was the most trusted journalist in America. Just heard someone say Sean Hannity is today's! IZZY?

Posted - November 1, 2019


  • 35003
    Well, Hannity is not a journalist and do not claim to be.....he is a commentator. As are all who are on in primetime on any of the 24 news networks. 

    If someone is a will not be sure which side of an issue they support. Truly I do not know any currently. Now who simply report and do not insert their opinion in the mix. 
      November 1, 2019 1:09 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply m2c. You do realize that a great deal of your responses are verbatim from Sean Hannity right? So you must trust him or you wouldn't parrot his conspiracy theories and views. Would you? Happy Saturday! :)
      November 2, 2019 2:07 AM MDT

  • 35003
    I do not watch Hanitty hardly at all so no I would not know that.

    I do like Hanitty there are just normally other things on I do like at that hour. 

    But does not surprise me....every time I do hear Hanitty I always agree. I even used to listen to his radio show years ago. But where I live now it is hard to pick up. :(

    Conspiracy theories like the Deep State.....have you seen where liberal media is openly thanking this imaginary deep state?  So I guess we can call that one confirmed....
      November 2, 2019 5:46 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Sean Hannity could be trusted as much as Trump can be trusted. Sean Hannity is an a$$-kissing sycophant who apes Trump and likes to present himself exactly like the big mouth Leader.  

    He is a shill blabbling about how great a bigger shill is.  Where is the trust in that?  Hannity will run away from Trump as soon as Trump's ratings cause Hannity's to fall.     That's what passes for trust among con men.
      November 1, 2019 1:22 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Since what we get from prodons is word-for-word whatever crackpot wackadoodle conspiracy theory sean hannty promulgates I'm guessing he is the top of the heap of people prodons trust to tell them the truth. I mean motormouth parrots him so too do all prodons whether they're adoring worshipping or sad sack GOP pols. Sad that but well there ya go. Thank you for your reply Sharon and Happy Saturday! :)
      November 2, 2019 2:09 AM MDT

  • 5391
    Those two should not be mentioned in the same sentence — unless it is to contrast the difference between a real news journalist vs a present day info-tainer 
      November 1, 2019 10:01 PM MDT

  • 113301
    It was not my coupling DB. I simply passed along what I heard elsewhere. It speaks for itself. How low the bar is now. In fact I think there is no bar. It went AWOL January 2017. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday! :)
      November 2, 2019 2:11 AM MDT

  • 7809
    There wasn't so much bulls**t in Walter Cronkite's time, but there sure is a s**t ton of it in Sean Hannity's time. This post was edited by Zack at November 2, 2019 5:25 AM MDT
      November 1, 2019 10:09 PM MDT

  • 113301
    That's funny Zack. "s**t ton". I LOVE it. So few words so much meaning! Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday! :)
      November 2, 2019 2:05 AM MDT