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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Is it due to changing or that you were mistaken? You communicate very well for a long time with someone and then YOU STOP. WHAT?

Is it due to changing or that you were mistaken? You communicate very well for a long time with someone and then YOU STOP. WHAT?

What happened and when and what were you doing otherwise not to notice?

Ever happen to you? It has to me on rare occasion but often enough to wonder whether I ever really understand anyone? I tend to relax after awhile with  people I think are dependable on whom I can count to be civil thoughtful honest and kind. Not that we agree all the time because who does THAT? No one I know. But then all of a sudden it seems the "pal" isn't at all but just another other with whom you have to be very careful and on guard.

It is unsettling to me and it may well be entirely my fault. For thinking there was a friendship there when there never was? For assuming things not in evidence? For overlooking certain things until their meaning became unmistakable? I dunno. As we I age I find I am second-guessing myself more and more. Trying to figure at what point something/someone changed without my being aware of it. Or even worse never knowing or understanding anything at all from the git go. Starting off getting it wrong. Sheesh. Dumb. Not a big deal. A very big deal. Whatever.

Posted - November 2, 2019


  • 19937
    I have very few really close friends and those are people with whom I have formed a bond that doesn't seem breakable.  Others come in and out of my life usually through my workplace.  We're friendly while they're in the same office, but when they leave, we hardly, if ever, see each other again.  Perhaps that's a failing on my part.  
      November 2, 2019 8:35 AM MDT