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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Talk about lowering the bar. Apparently as long as you can walk and chew gum simultaneously you are good to go. WHY?

Talk about lowering the bar. Apparently as long as you can walk and chew gum simultaneously you are good to go. WHY?

Who chews gum? Who wants to look like a cow chewing its cud? This is the epitome of multi-tasking ability? Seriously?

So this fantastic talent impresses you exactly why and how?

What flavor gum? How often do and you switch it out so you can always savor the flavor or once in the mouth it never leaves it? EWEE!

Those with dentures probably are out of luck. I don't wear them but I know some who did and they avoided gum like they avoid a dog frothing at the mouth that was rabid. Who does that? Who aspires to do that?

Chewing tobacky? Anyone do that instead of chewing gum?

And as for walking what about those who are confined to a wheelchair? Remember FDR? I doubt he chewed gum and I didn't see him walk after he contracted polio. I did see him standing up behind a podum but he was propped up there and you never saw him walk up to it or walk away from it.

So you penalize people who cannot walk for whatever reason then?

Walk and chew gum. How stupid dumb. Yet the beat goes on and you hear it all the time from the dimwits.

Posted - November 4, 2019


  • 19937
    I only chew gun when I'm home alone.  I never do it in public.  I like spearmint flavor.  
      November 4, 2019 7:52 AM MST

  • 113301
    It hurts my jaws. When I chewed gum as a kid I loved the licorice kind and the juicy fruit. Thank you for your reply. Why do you chew if I may be so bold as to ask? Are you a former smoker?
      November 4, 2019 7:58 AM MST

  • 19937
    I don't do it often.  I am a former smoker, but that isn't why I chew gum.  Sometimes, it's so I don't keep eating.  Gum seems to satisfy that craving for something sweet after a meal. :)
      November 4, 2019 2:30 PM MST

  • 3719
    I cannot remember when I last chewed gum. I know it was decades ago! Yes, it is a horrible habit.


    One British gum-maker used to advertise it in magazines, with a drawing of smartly-dressed people in some high-falutin' business or social setting, captioned, Certainly not....

    Below that, a second drawing showed the men from the first, outdoors, usually on a golf-course or game-bird shoot. Its caption was ... But here,
    then the sentence continued in small print, to praise the alleged benefits of using the product in such a setting. Both drawings gave an air of supposed sophistication, and the tree-sap chewers were always men, never women.
      November 4, 2019 11:21 AM MST