Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Per a poll 2/3 of Voters say the motormouth HAS NOT MADE THEM BETTER OFF. Guess they're not obscenely wealthy cronies. Didja know?
The protracted trade war with China is also denting confidence in business spending bigly.
This post was edited by Slartibartfast at November 6, 2019 4:15 AM MST
U.S. GDP growth will slow to 2.2% in 2019 from 3% in 2018. It will be 2% in 2020 and 1.9% in 2021. That's according to the most recent forecast released at the Federal Open Market Committee meeting on September 18, 2019.
According to economic models we are doing great. Goldilocks economy. And growth is were we want it. And as you can see we are doing and projected to do better than other developed markets....
Remember the coming "recession"....hah. Still have not got even one quarter of negitive growth.
Trump economy is booming. Stocks just broke another record high yesterday (Nov 5) and looks to open still higher this morning.
GDP is currently being driven by consumer spending. That's not sustainable, as it leads to higher levels of household debt. Business spending is stagnant - those aren't buying.
Our ecomony has been driven by consumer spending for decades....they tried to tell it was good for us we no longer need to make our products...we were going into the "information age" so our manufacturing jobs leaving did not matter and we should go back to school. BS. And that is why Trump won and will win.
Manufacturing jobs are returning. (Think we may have agreed...almost. Lol)
I looked it up. Did you read the entire piece or just take verbatim the part of the second graf, "almost two-thirds of Americans said their finances haven't gotten better since Trump has taken office" because it suits your "anti-Trump-hyperbole-all-day-every-day-and-twice-on-Sunday" agenda?
If you take a few minutes to read the whole thing, you see in the third graf that "31% of respondents...said their finances have gotten worse since Trump won the White House, while 33% say their finances haven't gotten better or worse in the same time frame. (Another) 35% say they have seen a positive change in their finances since Trump took office."
Thus, what this poll with a very small sample size of about 1,000 people actually shows is that about a third of them feel that they are better off, another third feel they are worse off, and the other third are neutral. You could just as accurately say that two-thirds say that Trump has not made them worse off.
So your phrasing in the question is extremely misleading and a transparent attempt to paint Trump as a villain, which is par for your course, and that alone makes it advisable to take it with several grains of salt.
The other aspect of this, which you either didn't think about or don't consider important enough to get in the way of a good anti-Trump rant, is that "finances" is a very broad, general term that covers myriad things such as employment, wages, home ownership, investments, savings, taxes, etc. There's a real question of how much responsibility and ability the president (any president) and government have to wave a magic wand and somehow make all of these things better for every individual, as opposed to each of us being responsible for working (if able, of course) to earn, save, and try to build better lives for ourselves and our children. Please correct me if I am wrong, but I doubt you bothered to think all this through before posting your accusatory, inflammatory question. Thanks for reading all of this!
This post was edited by Stu Spelling Bee at November 6, 2019 9:24 PM MST
Polls are a dime a dozen these days. Finding accurate polling data is like trying to find accurate news reporting. Don't know which poll you're citing and you offer no numbers in support but it matters not. Nobody asked, but you can put me in the 1/3 that understands that anytime a Democrat bites the dust, we're all better off.