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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If the Cabinet had consisted of PATRIOTIC AMERICANS they'd have invoked the 25th amendment and booted his crazy a** out. What are they?

If the Cabinet had consisted of PATRIOTIC AMERICANS they'd have invoked the 25th amendment and booted his crazy a** out. What are they?

Scairdy cat toady sycophants. Just what we need.

It was obvious to everyone that motormouth was a wackadoodle crackpot WHILE HE WAS CAMPAIGNING. His crazy just is being revealed more and more every day in every way. They wanted crackpot crazy wackadoodle to offset his opposite. President Barack Obama. They sure got the bottom of the barrel and they love it! GO FIGGER! Why drink champagne when you can drink lighter fluid?

Posted - November 5, 2019


  • 2706
    The term Patriotic American has been tossed about quite a bit as of late. What is a Patriotic American? What does that term mean to you? One thing MOST Americans seem to consistently fail to understand is what an American PATRIOT really is. Those who would call themselves American Patriots need to stand ready to do the same things today that our forefathers did in 1775. That especially holds true if the socialist, fascist, communistic Democrats get into power.  A lot of people who frequent Internet websites such as this one like to think of themselves as patriots. Are you? Or are you a loyalist of the Democratic left at the expense of being a Constitutional Republic patriot?
      November 5, 2019 6:55 AM MST

  • 34762
    That is not what the 25th is for....this is for things like coma, senility, etc.

    Not simply disagreeing with policy. 
      November 5, 2019 7:08 AM MST