With much disgust and sadness I see that some families pay no attention to Thanksgiving and camp out at stores on that day to be first in line to buy bargains. When did Thanksgiving become worthless useless unimportant? Some do takeout so they can get in line early and then share war stories about the crowds and the deals and ohboy. My gosh how very very greedy seedy of them. They can 't even take ONE DAY to be thankful for what they have and whom they are and count their blessings? Not even one day out of an entire year to NOT BE GREEDY SOBS on the make for a great deal? Not even one?
Good luck to y'all. You will need it. One day futurely when you are OLD and look back on all your Thanksgivings past that you never honored or gave due respect to or for.. you will wonder what the he** was so important for you to buy that you forgot to be thankful. You will not be pleased with yourself. Time is not on your side. For all you know this could be the last Thanksgiving for people you know. Spent in line or on line out in the cold and the dark waiting for stores to open? A fond memory? Sheesh..