Have you found it already? I was looking for a house with a picket fence, three kids, a dog, a cat, and a guinea pig. I got it all except for the fence. Fund me and I'll buy one. Thanks!
I'd build one if I could afford it and if the County allowed it. Oh, wait, you said "Ten feet," not saying if it should be "Ten feet" high, or wide, or long. I could build a wall of "Ten feet" in width, maybe. Nah. That probably wouldn't be allowed either.
A few minutes ago it was the House Keys Earlier Sanity Earlier than that a way to get home faster since I was hornier than H_LL and kids were at the Grandparents
In reality I am not looking for much these days other than what I have got. I have never really coveted anything. Have always made do with what I have had. In short I would drive a shrink or manipulator mad. Wait I have done that