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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Do you have favorite grocery stores or other stores you go to because of the quality of merchandise, the prices, the friendly employees?

Do you have favorite grocery stores or other stores you go to because of the quality of merchandise, the prices, the friendly employees?

Or is "favorite" not something with which you are familiar as in favorite restaurants or favorite clothing stores or favorite ice cream parlors or favorite sports good stores or favorite auto repair shops or favorite barbers or favorite tire stores or favorite big box stores or favorite physicians or favorite vacation spots? If not how come?

Posted - November 7, 2019


  • 46117
    The only place I go to because it is convenient and has WEIRD employees, is the Dollar Store near my house.  They are good workers as far as the company is concerned, that part is okay, but when you enter the store they treat you like you are trespassing and have all these video cameras around like you are going to steal something.  I once had the buzzer (or whatever you call that) go off as I went through the door and they tried to get me to empty my purse in front of them.  

    I didn't do it. I told them to FIX THE DOOR. I do not steal and I certainly am not going to lose my massage licence over a dollar item.  THEY ARE NUTS.  They had JUST TOLD ME THE DOOR WAS MESSED UP AND DON'T worry and the next minute they are demanding I empty my purse. I walked out and told them to call the dam police.  I told them also they call the police and I will sue their butts off.

    I mean really.  

    So, besides that one, I like Sprouts a lot.  They have great organic produce.  Not cheap. But what is these days? 
      November 7, 2019 7:26 AM MST

  • 113301
    We have a Sprouts in Hemet that we go to several times a month. Also Walmart and Winco we go to weekly. Strangely enough the Stater Brothers' prices are very expensive. I can't figure out why folks go there and pay so much  more for the exact same thing they could get so much cheaper at Walmart or Winco. Go figger! Thank you for your reply Sharon and Happy Thursday! :)
      November 7, 2019 7:31 AM MST