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Ever wish you could visit/access more than 3 dimensions? You can you know through your imagination. Do you have one?

Posted - November 7, 2019


  • 6023
    Some believe that dreams are accessing an alternate reality.
    I'm not sure if your body in those other realities just sits around waiting for your "soul" to inhabit it ... or it it's on autopilot the rest of the time.  But I'm guessing the autopilot option, or people you see in the "dream" (who are not also dreaming at the same time) would just be standing around waiting for their pilots.  LOL

    I think it would be interesting to be able to visit other dimensions.  As long as you have control over when and where.
    There are enough stories about what happens when you lack total control over one or both.
    The TV series Quantum Leap ... or Family Guy, whenever Stewie and Brian travel dimensions.
    One crazy story plot - I don't think anybody actually wrote a story on the idea - was that you find a Rubik's Cube that is scrambled, and try to solve it.  And every time you make a change, you hop dimensions.  To get back home, you have to return the pattern to the one you found it in.
      November 7, 2019 8:15 AM MST

  • 113301
    I LOVED QUANTUM LEAP! I LOVE DEAN STOCKWELL! Ever see him in the movie The Boy with the Green Hair as a kid actor? I also loved the guy who played the doctor whose name escapes me at the moment. They were beyond nifty and great and awesome and superduper. I could watch that show every night forever and not tire of it. Why it ended I will never understand. Now Family Guy is cartoon right? Never watch. Should I? Thank you for your reply Walt. :) This post was edited by RosieG at November 7, 2019 12:46 PM MST
      November 7, 2019 12:45 PM MST

  • 6023
    Yes, Family Guy is a cartoon.  A lot of the humor is adult-oriented, but not outright ... things like double-entendres and references to (then current) events.

      November 7, 2019 2:34 PM MST

  • 10787

    Dimensions (beyond the 4 we know and the 10 we have theorized) are an interesting concept.  I have a few theories on them myself (relating to life, death, God, etc.).  However, I never considered imagination as being a dimension unto itself.   if imagination is a dimension, then it must be partitioned (much like a computer hard drive), with each partition accessible to one mind.  (There an infinite number of people - past/present, future - as each imagination/mind is unique.  Thus, when one mind "dies", the partition its imagination occupied would either collapse or be forever "cut-off" (inaccessible).   However, unless that dimension had unlimited "space" (physical?) it would have to grow smaller as time (in this dimension) went on (of course, who says it has to occupy the parameters of the first 3 dimensions?). 

    Ok, you’ve really piqued my interest here.   I’ll spend days trying to wrap my mind around this.



    I can (and do) create "dimensions" in my imagination.  Some of which would-be quite interesting (perhaps scary?) if they actually existed in reality.  A few of those “dimensions” are universes unto themselves (in size and scope).   

      November 7, 2019 1:11 PM MST