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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » More whinya** kvetching from the mouth. Now what? He feels isolated. He has no one in whom he can confide. Excuse me?

More whinya** kvetching from the mouth. Now what? He feels isolated. He has no one in whom he can confide. Excuse me?

So his kids and Melania are chopped liver then? They must love to hear him say that.

Of course he is a bottomless pit of

delusions of grandeur
needy seedy greedy neverending begging to be loved
needyseedygreedyneverending lust after money the more the betterer
needyseedygreedyneverending lust after Putin's love and devotion

He is just one big empty hole that keeps growing larger and larger each day. Filling it is impossible. it grows geometrically daily and well you can only fill it arithmetically daily so you are always gonna be way behind.

Posted - November 8, 2019
