You will be added to the list of those who are in CONTEMPT OF CONGRESS which will be just another item in the ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT!
You do know that right? Congress can't lose. Either way you show and testify UNDER OATH or you don't show and prove the incessant meddling of the mouth who lives in the big house. A perfect plan.
What could be sweeter than that?
Also the refusers get to be targeted for future investigation. They red flag themselves. Not smart but then smart is not what the mouth attracts. He gets one by accident and fires him/her ASAP. No smart dare he be seen supporting.Not good for the image. Ya know. The billionaire who passes as a common man who sweats paying bills and putting his kids through college and worries about lack of health care? Dat man/woman? The guy/gal who works three jobs just to put food on the table, a roof over his/her family's head and clothes on their backs? That guy that gal. The mouth can so relate to them. Salt of the earth. Hard worker. Church goer. Bible reader. Their IDENTICAL twin. Who worries and suffers just like them. Every moment of every day of every week of every month of every year. Right.