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Do You believe that Color Therapy/Chromotherapy can heal Your Body?

It sounds like a New Age hype, but this concept is known for ages, and since it is still in the open, we should be curious. Does anyone have experiences with it? 

Edited after E 99's answer:
For all those who do not want to google what I mean, I copied a text, which will explain it and save you time....: Along with colors, light also consists of chemical and emotional elements since it emits heat, electricity and magnetism. Thus, light, along with its component colors, can be used for healing the mind, body and spirit. This is the basic principle behind Chromotherapy or color therapy. Different colors have different effects on the mind and body.

Posted - November 8, 2019


  • 44765
    I just looked it up. I am a non-believer when it comes to such things. It may work for others who believe. That's the case for many other things.
      November 8, 2019 5:21 PM MST

  • Thanks, Element 99. I like the idea, ergo I am reading, reading, reading. Sounds somewhat believable, but I would not spend money or time to get any malady on myself "healed" like that. 
      November 8, 2019 5:52 PM MST

  • 5391

    I believe in the power of the mind. How and what we feel, and why, can be influenced by effective interface with the brain, subconscious or otherwise. A condition familiar to most every culture and confirmed by medical science. 

    What we believe holds a great sway over everything we are and do, whether we are aware of it or not. I am willing to accept there are many things I/we do not fully understand about how it all works, but I withhold judgement in lieu of evidence. 

      November 8, 2019 8:03 PM MST

  • Thanks, Don Barzini. I really appreciate your answer.
      November 9, 2019 7:27 AM MST

  • 7812
    I guess it's better than praying for good health.
      November 8, 2019 8:07 PM MST

  • Thanks, I am going along with your answer because I am not praying. That does not mean that praying has a certain power - along with all mental exercises, like Yoga/Meditation. A prayer is a peptalk to the brain.
      November 9, 2019 7:36 AM MST

  • 7812
    My point is that you do what you have to do to help yourself feel better in mind and body. What works for you won't work for someone else.:-)
      November 9, 2019 8:25 AM MST

  • Good to interact with you, Zack. I understand you completely, having the same thoughts. The way I express myself in English ( as second language) is sometimes not so clear to the English tongue, in any case, I am glad to have you around as an "old" friend. Karin.
      November 9, 2019 8:42 AM MST

  • 16
    I guess that really depends on what kind of "colour therapy" you might be referring to & also the person (but especially how much the person in question relies on therapy). The only kind of "colour therapy" that I'd honestly know about is art-related therapy, as I have quite a lot of adult colouring books & top quality colouring pens/pencils & assorted gel pens for myself to colour with; as well as some stuff I keep for sharing with my younger niece & nephews. Honestly, though; I actually do need to get new stuff for them when I have the opportunity to browse shops again, as I've kinda run out of stuff they can use properly now (but getting it myself won't be quite so easy, as my health has since kept me confined to bed & even brought my physiotherapy to a grinding halt, so I definitely won't be doing any walking until at least 2020). I've been doing it to relax for years & sometimes even go as far as to draw existing cartoon characters, as well as creating personalised colouring/activity books for my nieces & nephews (which they always adore, even though they're often just 10 or so pages thick). I haven't done any in quite a long time because I've been ill, but they're so understanding & brag about what I've done for them to their friends anyway! LOL. I wish I knew how to give a more appropriate answer, my friend, but sadly my inspiration-well has totally dried-up! Sorry about that. If I seem like I'm jibbering a whole load of nonsense, please excuse me! I'm always like this halfway through the day since I usually only ever eat one daily meal, which is always after 4-5pm... =o) This post was edited by AspieGirl88 at November 9, 2019 11:47 AM MST
      November 9, 2019 9:09 AM MST

  • Hi, Aspie Girl, you came upon the right person, just "jabber" away. I am a good listener, because that is the only way to have a good conversation. My entire life I was interested in health questions and worked at Doctors office as helper for everything in the 1950's in Germany, worked in the biggest hospital in Bremen 10 years, and then came to the USA when I was about 50 years old. You guessed it: I worked as a CNA in reconvalescent home, in Assisted Living Center in Pennsylvania. My small library contained mainly books for physical and mental health, a big book about Alternative Medicine also. I always joke that I will be a doctor in my next life.  To come back to your input:  I am very sorry about your hold-up in physical abilities, but I am also glad you have a wonderful outlet for it. When I was a child and I went with my mom to visit relatives I always had some paper and coloring pencils with me. Colors are very important in my life. I must say that I cannot name a certain color as a favorite. It depends on my environment. In fact I have many because we were RV travelers and love nature - with all its brilliant colors. Color Coordination in my RV is important and I totally avoid to wear clothing with colors biting each other.  You see? You found the right partner, who loves long comments. I thank you for answering my question and I wish you with all my heart that the goal set by you or your doctors hit the mark. Be better as soon as you can. Big hug from Whitehair!
      November 9, 2019 11:28 AM MST

  • 16
    Thank you so much for your kind words! Sorry I'm only replying now, as I've been rather fatigued & some of my other health issues have been playing up. I have to admit, I've always enjoyed nature whenever I could experience it & I do love the colours, as well as the sounds & smell of nature wherever it takes me. Even certain kinds of weather interest me, such as lightning storms, rainy days & snowy weather (as I enjoy watching/listening to the sound as a form of relaxation). One of my favourite things to do is stargazing & I have even seen a few meteor showers, as well as some unusual sights. It's been a long while since I've done any of that, though, especially since I had my lower right leg amputated (something that sounds horrible, but I can honestly say that my pain was worse before the surgery, so it's all for the best). Hopefully with the help of a prosthesis (which I hope to gain sometime in the future), I'll be more mobile again someday & then I can really experience the outdoors like I've wanted to do for all these years. Anyway, thanks for letting me babble on & I hope I haven't been too annoying! LOL. =o) 
      November 10, 2019 5:41 AM MST

  • Thank you, new friend. I let you rest for now. Take good care and let all of the sorrows slide and let only the wonderful thoughts and hope in. 
      November 10, 2019 7:42 AM MST