Y'all have HEALTHY 401K's STOCK PORTFOLIOS making money hand over fist excellent jobs making more money then you ever imagined you would and you are getting richer every day in every way thanks to the mouth! All coal jobs are back all steel jobs are back all backs are back just like the mouth PROMISED. AND all the judges being confirmed are your cuppa tea. Extreme right-wing Conservative white nationalists on bench after bench to insure that all decisions will be made the WHITE NATIONALIST way without any deviation or agitation or palpitation or consideration or humiliation or consternation or incantation or duplication or animation. Depend on it. Moscow mitch is working his a** off to a nubbin to provide you with that. That's all he does. Confirm WHITE NATIONALIST judges. Full-time job.
So who could ask for anything more beyond MORE OF THE SAME?
Ya gotchure wishes. Beyond your wildest dreams. What comes next? Beats the he** outta me. I never imagined what y'all have now so what's the point of imagining futurely? Que sera sera. Whatever will be will be. The future's not ours you see. Que sera sera. What will be will be. See?