Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Wonder if Gordon Sondlund plans to contribute to mouth's re-election? He paid $ 1million the last time and is now a perjurer. Whatcha think?

Wonder if Gordon Sondlund plans to contribute to mouth's re-election? He paid $ 1million the last time and is now a perjurer. Whatcha think?

Should he contribute again to the next re-election campaign and see what that will buy him?

Is he really that stupid that he will repeat performance himself?

Posted - November 11, 2019


  • 46117
    I think Gordie is more concerned with PAYING off the GUARDS now.  Ya know?  

    Also, he is a Michael Cohen.   He loves the show of being powerful.  Michael Cohen was wiling to WORK for it by doing Trump's grunt work and bidding, but Sondland had money and could just buy what he wanted.  I think that should be illegal, donating big money for a favor to a political campaign?  No one even mentions that one.   I gotta bring that up.

    So, anyway, Sondland is a moron who had money and now?  He is going to jail unless he sings big time.  He is a baby like Cohen and he will sing loudly so his money and power will only go so far.  Trump will take more of Gordies money sure.  He will, but he will lie and screw him so if Gordie does that one to curry favor?  He is dumber than he looks even,.  And he has NO CLOUT now with anyone but the prosecutors.  
      November 11, 2019 7:43 AM MST

  • 113301
    Demented don and his cabal et al are alike in many ways.They are all liars corrupt treasonous traitors without integrity or morals or honorablility. They are also all short a full deck of cards and none of
    em is a sharp knife. They all dull and intellectually vapid but since they are all alike they think they are brilliant. That's part of being dumb as mud which they all are. Very compatible. Homogeneous populist isolationist nationalist racists. Vanilla. No bean. Artificial flavoring. Thank you for your reply Sharon. This post was edited by RosieG at November 12, 2019 4:24 AM MST
      November 12, 2019 4:23 AM MST