We KNOW one of the signs of DEMENTIA is repeating words phrases sentences over and over and over and over and over and over. That is a hallmark of Dementia Don. You know what those words are as well as I do.
He is demented. That is quite clear. He cannot be what he isn't. All he can be is what he is. He has no control over anything. Not what he sees or what he does or whom he harms or what he "thinks". Demented people are not like thee and me. So forthwith and forsooth he shall be foreverly Dementia Don. Ronald Reagan had a lot more class. Dementia Don is not his equal by any measure. Still Dementia Don cannot help himself or control himself at all. He does not learn from his mistakes nor take any guidance or information or help from anyone. Too bad he has the power to destroy us all. He does not know what he is doing. Sound familiar? "Forgive them FATHER for they know not what they do". We can extend forgiveness until he blows us up. Which will be at any time he screws up so bigly there will be no going back from the brink of destruction. Sleep well y'all. Whatever happens is all on you..