Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Headlines in today's Press Enterprise. "JUSTICES MAY LET TRUMP END DACA". "May"? or WILL?

Headlines in today's Press Enterprise. "JUSTICES MAY LET TRUMP END DACA". "May"? or WILL?

Expect lots more headlines like this. Whatever goes to the Supremes will end this way. The 5 are owned body and soul and reputation by dementia don. He speaks they roll over. I hope I'm wrong. I hope Justice Roberts becomes the go-to core of logical sensible fair and does the right thing. He has done so before but that was before dementia don held such awesome power. Dare he go against the maniacal man whose vindiciive vicious vitriolic venal revenge/retaliation vendettas are legendary? We shall see. Willen't we?

Posted - November 13, 2019


  • 35005
    It was started by an executive order. So it should be able to be ended by executive order. This is why we prefer to pass laws. They are binding. 

    I believe "will."
      November 13, 2019 6:57 AM MST

  • 46117
    BINDING?  The binding was when we allowed thESE CHILDREN INTO THIS COUNTRY.  WE DID NOT PROMISE TO THROW THEM OUT AS SOON AS A MORON IS ELECTED.    How is killing the KURDS binding?  How is throwing people out binding?  

    I wish it was your family. I really wish this.  I really wish this for you and your family.  Does that sound like an insult?  Then where do YOU get off wishing this on DACA children.  HOW DARE YOU BE SO COLD AND HEARTLESS.  That is what it feels like lady. YOU GET OUT and see how just TRUMP is.  After these children were invited in.  HOW DARE YOU.  AND HOW DARE THIS HEARTLESS MORON DO THIS.  I HATE HIS GUTS.  HE SHOULD BE JAILED. HE ILLEGALLY STACKED THESE JUDGES SO HE COULD DO THESE CREEPY CRIMES AND SHAME ON ALL THE EVANGELICALS WHO THINK GOD IS ON THEIR SICK SIDE.  YOU WILL SEE WHAT GOD THINKS SOON ENOUGH. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 14, 2019 2:49 AM MST
      November 13, 2019 7:30 AM MST

  • 35005
    If it was legal for Obama to pass it...then it is also legal for Trump to end it. 
      November 13, 2019 7:44 AM MST

  • 113301
    I admire that you keep trying Sharon. I really do. You are younger than I am. I simply can't keep trying to get through to the dementia don supporters. It takes too much outta me which I don't have. I watch and I read and I listen and in the background as long as I have any breath left you will hear ATTA GIRL! KEEP IT UP! That will be me in your corner. Thanks for futurely doing so. I may not get to all your responses. I never can keep up.
      November 14, 2019 2:52 AM MST