Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Per dementia don's peeps Dems wanted to impeach dementia don from the start and now they are going to get to do so. Meaning what exactly?

Per dementia don's peeps Dems wanted to impeach dementia don from the start and now they are going to get to do so. Meaning what exactly?

Democrats are the ones who ENGINEERED dementia don's involvement in HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEAMEANORS and set him up with the Russians and the Saudi Arabians so he could get caught with his figurative pants down around his ankles"?

Doesn't that stretch CREDULITY BIGLY?

The Dems wouldda needed to get inside the dementia don circle and work from within to set up the crimes committed by Mike Cohen et al who are either IN JAIL NOW or facing jail. Hundreds or thousands of prodon dumbs would have had to cooperate with the Dems for them to pull off such a monumental and momentous trap. The Dems could never have done it on their own all alone. They had collaborators and cooperators and setter uppers and colluders close to dementia don who helped them every step of the way.

This is what they believe then? It was the Dem plan all along to impeach dementia don before he did one thing as prez? I didn't know that they had such awesome power. Did you?

Posted - November 13, 2019


  • 46117
    Meaning... they will show just how corrupt the Senate is.    That's all.  The Senate.  
    Not Trump.  Trump will have to be voted out of office.  We all know this.

    He will be impeached, but to what end? 
      November 13, 2019 7:05 AM MST