Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Brought up by an Answermugger. That a GOP attack dog will "blurt out the name of the Whistleblower". What would we do to the blurter?

Brought up by an Answermugger. That a GOP attack dog will "blurt out the name of the Whistleblower". What would we do to the blurter?

Jeopardizing the WHistleblowers life.

Life in prison at hard labor?

What would be a suitable punishment for such a betrayal?

Posted - November 13, 2019


  • We're being overly dramatic here. Whoever this character is, he doesn't warrant any protection under Federal regulations. He's being hidden because he has nothing to contribute with the possible exception of the exposure of irregularities by Chairman Schiff and his staff. We all understand that if this "witness" had anything of consequence, the Democrats would be marching him out on a red carpet, regardless of "personal jeopardy" involved. But then, if there was anything of substance Dems would have had their impeachment extravaganza two or three years ago, long before any phone conversation with the Ukraine's shady hustlers. But all the surefire "silver bullets" they rested their hopes on turned to pewter. The only lasting legacy of this Pelosi/Schiff Dog and Pony Show will be the lasting danger for all of us out here if we have to face criminal charges in any court of law and are denied due process which includes facing accusers and challenging evidence. Oh for the good ole days of Constitutional guarantees and protections. I've got an uneasy feeling we're going to miss them. The bottom line of this very tiresome charade is that you can commit a crime of extortion and bribery a la Joe Biden, but you better not talk about it. 
      November 13, 2019 2:58 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply. I disagree with it in its entirely. Happy Thursday to thee HG.
      November 14, 2019 2:00 AM MST