Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » For 7 decades there was peace in Europe. Russia was in check. Putin invaded Crimea. Dementia don became prez. Guess what folks?

For 7 decades there was peace in Europe. Russia was in check. Putin invaded Crimea. Dementia don became prez. Guess what folks?

Russia is no longer in check in anything. The dementia don signalled to Putin that whatever he wants to get have take invade his will will be done. Starting with Ukraine which dementia don KNOWS Putin wants back in the fold so the demented one has exerted all pressure and every effort to hand Ukraine to Putin ON A SILVER PLATTER.

You go boy. Keep it up. You are where you are and there wherever your there is to service your puppetmaster being the obedient lapdog that you are. The dementia don serves himself first and also he serves any despot dictator who will suck up to him kiss his a** and lie to him about how smart he is. He lives off fake. The fakier you are with him the more ding dong dementia don is gonna like ya. Whatta guy! My oh my! SIGH.

I await the day they have no use for dementia don and toss him in the trash and move on and never look back. You?

Posted - November 14, 2019
