He jeopardizes national security all the time. Early on in the OVAL office he shared info he received from Israeli intelligence with TWO RUSSIAN somebodies. No problemo.
He tweets all the time everything that's on his mind available to anyone who wants ta know.
He talks to anyone anywhere in the world and if that anyone is an "ambassador" at in restaurant in Ukraine with a speaker phone anyone can hear who is talking and what's being said he don't care. He be a dumbbell..
The sondland is a definite dumba**. I guess the dementia don is too or he would NEVER have engaged in a phone conversaton that was specifically about getting MANUFACTURED DIRT on the Bidens to help him win in 2020. OUT LOUD ON A PHONE IN A VOICE SO LOUD OTHERS AROUND HEARD EVERY WORD.
Doofun Don doofusses on don't he though? Trashing smashing crashing national security and those who try to preserve it like Ambassador Yovanovich. He is a piece of work. Shoddy. Threadbare. Shredded.