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Ever hear of such a thing as this?

Trial use of hearing aids that were programmed for the specific loss in each year fREE OF CHARGE for one week. We go back next Friday at 8am to either buy them or give them back.

Stunned we were!

Yesterday Jim had another hearing test and we chatted for awhile with the audiologist. The contraptions she used I think were state of the art thought I have nothing with which to compare them. She looked inside both of Jim's ears and we saw it on a monitor and it was astonishing. She tested him and his hearing loss is fairly profound at the higher registers in both ears.

She went over the options and of course suggested the best (most expensive) option. We told her we would think about it and get back to her. That is when she figured out what she had to do and this one-week FREE trial was what she came up with. I asked her if that were standard or only for very SPECIAL people. Of course she said "only the very SPECIAL".

So Jim gets to try them out and see if he really likes them and how it helps. She said it will take getting used to for a few days and his hearing will NEVER BE BACK TO NORMAL. But it will be a huge improvement.

Thought it was worth sharing. Ever have something similarky GREAT that was quite unexpected happen to you?

Posted - November 16, 2019
