He is a white nationalist RACIST
He assisted stephen miller in deploying racist immigration policies
He was counsel to Betsy DeVos (ridikkalus obscenely wealthy rich bit** ignoramus Education secretary) in helping to strip protections for rape victims on college campuses and undermine student loan programs
Why does it matter? Because the 2nd US circuit court of appeals could help save dementia don's a** from being accountable for his vile and corruptly treasonous actions. That's why.
The dementia don suckeruppers in the Senate are confirming not only extreme right wing crazy wackadoodle ultra superduper CONSERVATIVE judges but are now emboldened to confirm WHITE NATIONALIST RACISTS specifically to protect the dementia don a**. Just watch how quietly they are setting us up. AND once these racists are on the bench guess what folks? They are there for life!. Isn't that a nifty thing? The longer dementia don is in power the more faster the senate suckerupper a**kissers will be confirming the scum and dregs of humankind. Aren'tcha happy as he**?