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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Choosing sides. The point of elections. Divisive because it always sets up "the enemy". Is that necessary?

Choosing sides. The point of elections. Divisive because it always sets up "the enemy". Is that necessary?

How do we fix it?

Eliminate all political parties/labels/slogans/proselytizing.

Have people run for any office and have citizens vote for whomever seems best to them.

No ads. No attacks insults lies. No TV shows promulgating anyone. No radio shows supporting anyone.

Simplicity is key to civility. Don'tcha think?

No op ed pieces. No hunting for dirt. NO MANUFACTURING DIRT.

The candidates just tell you why they are running and what they plan to do. NO MENTIONING OF ANY OPPONENTS. Only positive pitches limited to the candidate speaking will be allowed.

No dirty tricks. No politics. No shadow governments. No conspiracy theory wackadoodle wingnuts.

Why would anyone object to that?

Posted - November 18, 2019


  • 2706
     I have never chosen sides, one political party over another, and I never will. I have always done the research necessary on any political candidate running for office and then chose who I believe would do what's best for the country and its citizens. Keep it simple has always been my motto and describes my life in general. 

      I agree, there shouldn't be any dirty tricks, attacks, insults, or lies directed at anyone by anyone. Unfortunately, it seems that some of the people here in AnswerMug, many in the media, many politicians, and much of the voter base never got that memo. How do we fix it? By stopping the attacks, stopping the dirty tricks, stopping the insults, stopping the lies, and taking responsibility for your own actions would be a good place to start. :) This post was edited by rusureamisure? at November 18, 2019 5:32 AM MST
      November 18, 2019 5:31 AM MST