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Discussion » Questions » Emotions » SCUM: Sociopathic, Consiousless, Unctuous Maniac. It fits so many in the White House. Who is the SUMMIEST SCUMBUCKET ALIVE?

SCUM: Sociopathic, Consiousless, Unctuous Maniac. It fits so many in the White House. Who is the SUMMIEST SCUMBUCKET ALIVE?

Why, TRUMPIE BEAR, that's who.  He can get away with ANYTHING....

Posted - November 18, 2019


  • .


    Kim Jon Ung - Assad is a close second


      November 18, 2019 10:32 AM MST

  • 46117
    You mean Kim Jong Un?  You mean the LOVE of TRUMP's LIVE??  The really strong and great leader?  That Kim Jong Un?

    Trump associates with these creeps AND PUTIN don't forget PUTIN and praises them to the sky.  Trump IS the company he keeps.  TREASON.  
      November 18, 2019 10:35 AM MST