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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Lots of CONSTRUCTION companies. How many DESTRUCTION companies are there? Ya know the guys that come to tear things down?

Lots of CONSTRUCTION companies. How many DESTRUCTION companies are there? Ya know the guys that come to tear things down?

I s'pose some construction companies wear two hats. First they go in and knock down, tear down, blow up. Then they clean up that mess and return to build. But how can destroyers be builders? Doesn't it take a different mentality to be a destroyer? What draws those to destruction? Money of course but what else? Prestige? Being a great knocker downer is worthwhile because? Do they get paid more than the builder uppers?

Posted - November 19, 2019


  • 44748
    I don't know how many there are here, but the demolishers always seem to be on the spot when we have our daily north end fire. Usually they are abandoned houses that crackheads use. The owners will burn them down for the insurance and nobody really cares. 
      November 19, 2019 11:43 AM MST