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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Dam* Fools decry the birth of the RESISTANCE upon the "election" of a "leader". As if it were criminal and corrupt and evil. AS IF?

Dam* Fools decry the birth of the RESISTANCE upon the "election" of a "leader". As if it were criminal and corrupt and evil. AS IF?

There is ALWAYS going to be a RESISTANCE to evil.

The UNDERGROUND RAILWAY was born and alive and well to offset slavery.

Every country has a RESISTANCE to evil. Some are more successful at it than others. It takes a LOVE OF COUNTRY to combat the evil that takes over. Being part of the RESISTANCE is not for cowards or the faint of heart. It is not for draft dodgers or liars or those who commit treason and work on behalf of "the enemy". They would never last.

So here's to the RESISTANCE movements all over in the world. In America in HONG KONG in everywhere and anywhere that the people defy the evildoers the corrupters the traitors. Good work. Keep it up. Carry on.

Posted - November 19, 2019
