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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » A GOP senator SMEARS an Iraqui War Veteran who won a Purple Heart! TOADY defends his traitorsavior as only a toady sycophant can. ADMIRABLE?

A GOP senator SMEARS an Iraqui War Veteran who won a Purple Heart! TOADY defends his traitorsavior as only a toady sycophant can. ADMIRABLE?

Lotsa folks have clumb aboard the SMEARWAGON. Republican sycophants all.

They are jolly and jocular and joyful and jeez spectacalarly proud of their traitorsavior. For how long? For as long sa it takes whatever it takes no matter what. They are loyal steadfast and very certain they are RIGHT.

Wonder where the smearwagon will end, how it will end and what the riders will do without it? Go their separate ways, go undercover go quiet so silent go away?

Posted - November 19, 2019
