You can get that tip from me. Forget your own aging, always THINK young. If you have a partner in love, act sexy, work physically and walk a lot. Have intelligent conversations with your friends, hold peptalks to yourself in front of the mirror, dress young, do not forget colors in your environment and listen to music - - not to Beethoven, mind you, to Rod Stuart and similar artists, meaning to spring out of the chair you sit in and start dancing Rock 'n Roll. I am 84 and still do that today, sometimes even with a glass of spirits in my hand. Laughing a lot keeps you young - and it is the best medicine. And no charge for my "wisdom" - all for free....
That's a wisdom indeed! I appreciate your spending time writing that note and giving out wonderful advice that can only be gained through experience! Thanks again! Stay Young Stay Beautiful!
This morning I had a cup of 4% Cottage Cheese with a big tablespoon of ground flaxseed and a slice of 21-Grain Vollkornbrot with Butter - and - of course, a cup with stiff hot coffee.