The DEMS are there to GET AT THE TRUTH
The dementia don attack puppies are there to obfuscate accuse insult divert insinuate demean denigrate vilify undermine sabotage undercut trash. It takes no intelligence to do that. They are loaded with it! Lack thereof.
The questioner is always identified as (R) or (D). Totally unnecessary. You can tell by the questions they ask and HOW they ask them.
The truthseekers are polite respectful not accusatory
The truth avoiders are insulting officious self-righteous obnoxious.
Ever it shall be thus. Which side will win? It's hard to tell. One group wants to know the truth. The other group will crawl on its belly to hide it. I don't know if the bellycrawlers are sturdier. They are always dirtier muddier scummier.