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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » No matter what kind of illness a person has (mental emotional spiritual physical) it will affect his/her output/performance. How can't it?

No matter what kind of illness a person has (mental emotional spiritual physical) it will affect his/her output/performance. How can't it?

So taking on a job that REQUIRES one's being HEALTHY in mind, body, spirit, emotions would be mandatory for a president.

Now in the fictional TV show WEST WING the president was hiding a medical condition that his wife (a doctor) was constantly treating him for. Never told the people about it. A lie of omission.

JFK had lots of physical problems stemming from the war I think but other things too. You'd never know it to look at him.

I think FDR's polio was pretty much covered up. He'd be seen standing at podium. Never walking up to it or leaving it. It didn't affect his being president but ya know how pols are about "looking good" and appearances.

This prez unexpected two-hour medical evaluation/testing may have found something serious. We have not seen him in the public since the hospitalization. Something is wrong. You know him. You know how he loves to be on camera talking. Why isn't he? Where is he? What's he hiding? What's going on?

Posted - November 20, 2019


  • 46117
    When you have mentally ill people voting, you have no control of the outcome.
      November 20, 2019 7:13 AM MST