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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Different perspective. The mentally defective man is being used by everyone including his supporters. Why?

Different perspective. The mentally defective man is being used by everyone including his supporters. Why?

To get what they can get from him in his defenseless state. He cannot control his inadequacies. He doesn't know he has any. Those surrounding him know very well how they can manipulate him to their ends. EVERYONE.

World Leaders manipulate him because they can get out of him whatever they want if they kiss a**
Employees manipulate him because they get paid very well to butt kiss and his is a very big butt
"Friends" and "Family" manipulate him to get what they can out of him. He cuts them off what do they do?
His devoted "worshipping adorers" use him because they get from him what they want

He is being used by all those who interact with him because they benefit personally. No one loves him or likes him enough to stop using him nor do any of them ever try to help him. NO ONE.

I told you. A different perspective. He is like a 50 IQ innocent being manipulated by those much smarter than him without being remotely aware that he does their bidding..not the other way around. His mental defect is such that he has no self-awareness. As long as his users get what they want out of hm they will defend him. NO MATTER WHAT. FOR AS LONG AS IT TAKES. TILL DEATH DO THEM PART. SO HELP THEM GOD.

Posted - November 21, 2019


  • 2706
    Speaking of mentally defective, what on earth has happened to the Democratic party? Today’s Democrat Party is most certainly not a “democratic” party or a “party of the people.” It’s a party that creates and preys on victimhood. Those who are convinced they are victims of any type, even institutions from centuries ago, are the natural prey of today’s Democrat Party. And those who may not feel to be victims, can still be targeted, and convinced that they are victims, by the emotion-laced, illogical diatribes of Democrat demagogues.

    Not to mention the fact that it’s a sad commentary on our state of political affairs in the country when the Democratic Party can no longer engage in the process of governance to improve the lives of our fellow Americans. Instead, they serve as the new “masters” to the supposed aggrieved, with nary a thought of how their pandering vitiates their oath to “preserve and protect” the Constitution, and the rights it guarantees our citizens. They obviously have no interest in doing what is right for the nation, but only in advancing their agenda by creating and fostering victimhood. 

      There is not a single Democrat in the House and the Senate combined, who is willing to grow a backbone to do what's right for the country as a whole, and so many of their constituents. They thereby have proven they’re little more than lemmings to party leadership, who are the masters of playing the victimhood card. So, the question that most stands out in my mind is, should the Party that has negligible interest in doing what’s best for the country ever be granted control over any branch of government again?
      November 21, 2019 7:59 AM MST

  • 113301
    You are avoiding the question and sallying forth on a track that is not on the table. Typical Republican "can't think of a thing to say so let's change the topic". Not buying.
      November 21, 2019 10:20 AM MST