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Is evil stronger than love? Does evil last longer because it has a preservative called HATE that love doesn't have?

Posted - November 23, 2019


  • 10792
    No, evil isn't stronger than love.  Evil just likes to make itself appear as if it were stronger.  Evil attracts evil.  The more evil there is, the more formidable it seems.  Evil has many weapons in its arsenal such as, hate, lies, slander, intimidation, gossip, and more.  While these may sound daunting, each one can be overcome by love.  Love smothers hate; they cannot exist together.  Love vanquishes even the biggest lie.  Love cannot be slandered as it doesnt care.  Love comforts.  Love quells gossip.
      November 23, 2019 12:29 PM MST

  • 113301
    I think there may be places where what you say isn't true. I think Washington, D.C. is held captive by EVIL and sadly seems to be CAPTIVATED by it. Every pol who lies and support the lapdogpuppy dementia don reinforces the evil. It is alive and well and seemingly indestructible. The EVIL is far stronger than truth or honor or justice. The evildoers are proud and loud and arrogant and seem to be thriving flourishing smirking snarking their way through every day. Do you not agree to that Shuhak? The Dems are fighting what may well be a losing battle. The evildoers are adamant about supporting dementia don. Lots of folks don't give a rat's a** as long as their bank account is getting bigger. No skin off their nose. They support the spawn of the Devil and go to church and pray to GOD for his survival. I htink that's blasphemous personally. Ever think you'd live to see a day when THAT would be true? I surely didn't. SIGH. Thank you for your reply! Sorry about being a downer! :(
      November 24, 2019 1:29 AM MST

  • According to scripture, God is Love. God said it, I believe it and that settles it, now and always. That tells me that while evil is a powerful and malignant force, it has been conquered through the shed blood of Christ which provides redemption and restoration of communion with God for eternity. 
      November 23, 2019 5:23 PM MST

  • 46117
    What are you talking about?  The shared blood of Christ. What is that supposed to even mean?  Jesus was MURDERED by politicians who felt he was getting too big of a following.  Tell me how that proves a thing.  I believe in Jesus Christ for REASONS.  Not because some shared blood of Christ nonsense.  Jesus died to show us that the physical does not matter.  We are children of GOD and it is the SHARED SOUL that we all possess.  

    And don't use SCRIPTURE like there is just one.  That is YOUR scripture, not mine.  Just like Trump is probably YOUR President. He aint' mine.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 24, 2019 2:33 AM MST
      November 23, 2019 5:32 PM MST

  • 113301
      November 24, 2019 2:33 AM MST