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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Courtesy of the Russkies in 2016 internet social sites were larded with robo accounts. Fake people who roped in the gullibles. I wonder?

Courtesy of the Russkies in 2016 internet social sites were larded with robo accounts. Fake people who roped in the gullibles. I wonder?

Could Answermug possibly have ROBOMEMBERS?

Robots who are triggered to respond to specific words in scripted ways? The gullibles on the various internet  social sites in 2016 didn't know their new favorite like-minded political buds were really Russian robots. Well how would we know if a "member" were a human being or a programmed robot? Are we smarter now in 2019 than the gullibles (millions of them) were in 2016 or are we just as dumb and gullible? Just wonderin'. Possible/Im?

I think the gullibles in 2016 haven't changed. What they fell for they will always fall for. So do we really anything to worry about? the gullibles are frozenly rigid in their triggered responses. We are equally grozenly rigid in our refusal to fall for that bullsh** crap. I guess it will be okay. Or not. RUSSIAN roulette anyone? There's a joke in there somewhere.

Posted - November 26, 2019


  • 35021
    No one has been able to show me one example of an ad on Facebook that would have changed their vote.   I have asked here. I have even searched the internet but nothing.  

    JustAsking has regulations and processes to prevent Bots and spammers from making accounts here.

    I also think we interact with each other enough that we would spot a bot. And certainly spot spammers. This post was edited by my2cents at November 26, 2019 7:53 AM MST
      November 26, 2019 7:51 AM MST