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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Are you literate enough that you are able to reach into your storehouse of memory and bring forth a literary allusion? How often?

Are you literate enough that you are able to reach into your storehouse of memory and bring forth a literary allusion? How often?

Do you quote favorite passages of favorite characters in famous novels or plays or poems? It adds so much depth to the here and now. It adds dimension to a very one-dimensional situation.

For those of you who can relate do you have any favorites you quote from time to time as the situation merits? Examples?

Posted - November 26, 2019


  • 46117
    I do not believe that being literate has anything to do with not being able to distinguish between flights of fancy and the real world.  To live in memory, past or present, is delusional.

    That's it.  Delusions.  Some like Trump suffer from Delusions of Grandeur.  He imagines something and he has gotten away with so many criminal acts, he believes his reality is one he creates.  He thinks he is God. He has gotten away with many rapes.  He has stolen everything.  He stole the Presidency and bragged about it.  I mean, this pig lives his evil dreams.

    Scary?  Beyond scary.  He is the DEVIL incarnate.  And God is talking to us.  We need to take a STAND.  
      November 26, 2019 9:06 AM MST

  • 2706
    I quote the Bible often when the circumstance warrants it. :)
      November 26, 2019 9:55 AM MST