Here's mine.
Track and punish anyone who attempts to float lies conspiracy theories insults attacks. Make the internet a place where TRUTH is king and all who wish to enter that space must abide by the rules.
The cheaters will spend their days with their own ilk and among themselves on the faraway island to which they are banned they can cheat and lie and attack and insult one another forever after.
Meanwhile back in civilized society the internet will operate fairly justly (not the butt crusher dementia don injustice..he will be banned with the rest of his ilk). It will be world so Americans and Aussies and Canadians and Brits and New Zealanders and Timbuctooers and all and everyone will never have to worry about deception deceit conniving disgusting destroying destructive hostility animosity evil.
That's my tweak. Shouldn't be that hard to do. Do you have a tweak too?